Painted Dire Troll Mauler

This is a Dire Troll Mauler, another heavy Warbeast for my Hordes Trollbloods. The Mauler is the simplest of Warbeasts – no ranged attacks, just glorious face-punching melee action. To make life more interesting, it does come with the Rage Animus which is a pretty important spell for the faction. This allows extra strength to be applied to any model which can turn even fairly modest Warbeasts into heavy hitters, and makes mighty Mulg a hilariously powerful fighter. Since losing the Mauler means losing access to Rage, I try to keep it back as a second wave so that I can make my other Warbeasts hit harder for longer before losing it.

Nothing too complex for the painting; I mainly stuck to the established scheme that I’ve used for my other Trollbloods. I really like the miniature with its huge hands and expressive face. It would probably make a fairly nice generic cave monster for fantasy RPG, or perhaps a villain’s henchman in a superhero game.

I dedicate this post to Azazel’s Dauntless-Diabolical December Challenge. I reckon that the Mauler fits the ‘It’s for Monsters’ criterion rather nicely.

Next on the painting table: Stone Scribe Elder

Categories: Hordes, Painting and modelling | Tags: , | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Painted Dire Troll Mauler

  1. This painting campaign is paying off, I can really see an improvement in your painting!

  2. Awesome mate

  3. Not sure I’d want to mess with him!

  4. Great work on this one. I can see your Trollblood Horde being a pretty impressive force on the tabletop or even in the cabinet!

    • Thanks so much. I’m especially pleased with the way that this Mauler has turned out. I’m making progress on the whole force (at least, as it stands for now) so I’ll sort out a family photo eventually.

  5. Pingback: Dauntless/Diabolical December 2018 – Community Round-Up | Azazel's Bitz Box.

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