Painted Hulkbuster

Here is the Hulkbuster for Marvel Crisis Protocol, yet another iteration of Tony Stark. This is the premium version of Iron Man, in the biggest suit and doing the most damage. It’s surprisingly stand-offish for such a bruiser of a suit, mainly being focused around playing keep-away with its foes. The builder attack has a built in push, while the spender attack has a throw if damage is dealt which is somewhat likely with so many dice. Hulkbuster can only throw terrain and I think it would get a lot more play if this was a character throw too. Of course, it has a form of damage reducer too, though you have to pay before dice are rolled which probably makes it the most annoying one in the entire game to actually use effectively. Overall I think that Hulkbuster matches up quite nicely into Hulk but is a bit less appealing once you start having to worry about swarms of small attacks overheating your ability to reduce damage. One thing I think is quite cool about Hulkbuster is that once it’s Dazed it ejects a smaller version of itself and continues the fight. Theoretically the ejection suit can pay 10 power and re-summon the Hulkbuster suit but in practice I’ve almost never seen this happen. Hulkbuster also has a leadership for Avengers but I don’t think I’ve ever actually encountered this in the wild, partly because it’s only a fairly anaemic reduction in damage taken from throws (which is irrelevant in many match ups) but mainly because all the other Avengers leaderships are really good.

I’ve generally not enjoyed painting MCP Iron Man minis but I did have a nice time with this one. The Hulkbuster suit itself is much less about flat armour than the smaller suits which makes it much more manageable for a painter of my skill level to work on, and the ejection suit is at least a really cool sculpt even if it is still mainly flat panels. As usual I stuck with the card art for colour inspiration although I did lean more into gold than yellow compared to older comics of Iron Man (though I don’t know if the Hulkbuster suit and the red-and-yellow costume were concurrent) as I think it looks better as a metallic style. Hulkbuster could well be my favourite sculpt in all of MCP.

Next on the painting table: General Grievous.

Categories: Marvel Crisis Protocol, Painting and modelling | Tags: | 13 Comments

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13 thoughts on “Painted Hulkbuster

  1. Nice work, AB! I really like that HulkBuster! So, you get both minis in the same set? How did you do your gold? It looks like maybe Contrast paints and not metallic paints? Giving it an interesting NMM look. Though I could be wrong!

    • Thank you! Yes, both minis come together – in game terms they’re the same and you can’t take them separately. The gold is just a bronze Citadel paint, then a more-carefully-applied-than-usual lighter gold highlight and finally a wash with a kind of red-tinged sepia tone. I like the way it came out on the bigger suit, though it looks less cool on the smaller one.

      • Ah, I could tell the smaller mini used metallics, but it looked differently on the larger one. Nice work!

  2. Very nice mate, looks ace!

  3. I would have to think that the Hulk Buster is one of the bigger minis in the game so it makes for quite a presence on the battlefield. That is until Galactus and Fin Fang Foom come out anyway 🙂 I really like how Iron Man and the Hulk Buster match in their color schemes so well. I always like it when I can pull that off which doesn’t occur as often as I’d like truthfully!

    • Yes, he’s probably the largest actual mini. There are also Sentinels available which I think are about the same size but don’t have the jets coming out of their feet. In game terms the Hulkbuster is size 4 which is smaller than the Sentinels (size 5); MCP doesn’t use true line-of-sight.

      • Hmm, the Sentinels should be taller but I guess if they don’t use LOS, then it doesn’t really matter.

        • I totally agree that the Sentinels could be bigger and match well with the comic scales. I suppose that they’re a wee bit too small just for the practicalities of the game – they need to fit on the biggest bases!

          • I haven’t seen them in person, but aren’t the larger MCP minis about 40mm or taller? That would mean the Sentinels would need to be about 120mm or taller. Which would make them a much more expensive model, that they might end up losing money on.

  4. Very nice, love the way the Hulkbuster came out!

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