Painted Kraken

This is Kraken, another Super Tactical Droid for Shatterpoint. Perhaps not surprisingly, Kraken plays much like the other droid with this role (Kalani) but is a bit cheaper and perhaps therefore a bit less effective on the tabletop. Kraken still moves other Battle Droids around the place and makes them a bit better, but it is more focused on personal output and (in particular) resilience when compared to Kalani. At least for me, it’s a bit of a moot distinction in that whenever I’m playing Kalani I also use Kraken as I just use the obvious synergy of ‘oops, all Battle Droids’.

The card art for Kraken suggests that it is basically identical to Kalani apart from the yellow markings but I already find it hard enough to tell apart the various flavours of clone trooper in Shatterpoint so I deliberately painted Kraken a darker green to make it clearer which one is which. I did take the opportunity to be a little more heavy handed with edge highlight on Kraken’s torso in particular which I think works well enough. Overall Kraken was a pretty quick paint, except for the yellow lining part of the decoration which took ages because I was being careful and also because getting yellow to look good appears to be partly sorcery. It was a fun little diversion for a game we don’t play a huge amount and takes us another step away from bare plastic on games nights.

Next on the painting table: Hulkbuster.

Categories: Painting and modelling, Shatterpoint | Tags: | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Painted Kraken

  1. Nice work on Kraken, mate! At first, I wondered about the name but once I saw the chest armor, it all made sense. I’m excited to see your take on the Hulkbuster. I love that sequence in the Avengers movie! 🙂

    • Thanks Jeff. I don’t really know anything about the character of Kraken, at least not enough to tell them apart from any other Super Tactical Droids who periodically show up in the Clone Wars cartoon to sneer at the general inadequacy of all around them!

      I’ll try not to disappoint with the Hulkbuster, but I can tell you that it’s a pretty cool mini 🙂

  2. Nice figure. Not what I was expecting with a name like Kraken. great paint work.

  3. Never heard of it, but that green and yellow go nicely together!

  4. Very cool – that’s a good lookin’ droid!

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